Game engines for Android

1. Unity 3D

unity 3d is an award winning game engine designed by Unity technologies.
Platforms Android, IOS, Windows, Web, PS3
Web Page
Liscense Commercial
Languages C#, Javascript, Boo
UI Scene editor, Animation editor, Terrain editor
Scene type 3D/2D
Details Best game engine, directly create apk, no support for armv6 phones

2. Wave Engine

PlatformsAndroid, IOS, Windows
Web Page
UIAsset manager, VS integration, native physics, Control Library inspired on WPF technology
Scene type3D/2D
Detailsrequires Xamarin/Mono

3. Lib gdx

PlatformsAndroid, IOS, Windows, HTML5
Web Page
UIEclipse integration, No GUI
Scene type3D/2D
Detailshas fbx importer/converter, uses OpenGL ES 2.0, IOS export requires Xamarin/Mono

4. jMonkey

PlatformsAndroid [?]
Web Page
UINetbeans integration
Scene type3D/2D
Detailssupport for GLSL, particle systems; asset system; Bullet physics; supports wide range of 3D models

5. DX Studio

PlatformsAndroid, Windows, HTML
Web Page
LiscenseFree, Pro:free
LanguagesJavascript, .NET
UIScene Editor, VS and eclipse integration
Scene type3D/2D, (3D currently not available for android)
Detailscurrently incomplete, toony interface, VS upto 2010 support, 3D scene not supported in android


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